Sunday, 30 November 2008
Thursday, 27 November 2008
Tuesday, 25 November 2008
hari yg borink
apa yg merah tue...
Amaran kepada semua jangan tiru aksi ini..18SX
i m lonely...anyone wanna me?(Bazet jealous)
wow siapa punya ne?
baca jew ok
ingatkan belalai jew yang panjang huhu
yang ne siapa nak jawab?
haaahaha depa sedang buat gangbang..boleh?heehhe
Sunday, 23 November 2008
sorry..saya tak ada masa...
Aku sebenarya malas nak updatekan blog ne,apalagi nak melaharkan org lain dalam blog ne,takde masa nokss,tapi kalau ada org yang anggap aku ini sebagai sesorang yang muda untuk melupakan,sorry..aku bukan org itu.Sebenarnya aku sendiri tak faham mengapa ada org yang beranggapan sedemikian,tapi biarlah aku memang tiada masa untuk melayan karenah seperti ini.Untuk yang berkenaan,so sorry..bukan niat untuk..memanaskan keadaan,in fact dalam seminggu 2-3 kali aku call,tapi tak terjawab,tapi masa ne semuanya sudah terjawab,mungkin mengelakan diri dari aku akan membuat uolls rasa selamat dari di perkatakan.One more thing....aku tidak pernah sesekali..meminta perkara sebelum ini terjadi....
with love
Saturday, 22 November 2008
Wednesday, 19 November 2008
Hari Terakhir...(Update)
Semalam dalam aku excited menonton TV,keluar lak si Mazidul 360 host kat Tv,yelah tak habis-habis dengan isu Gaynya..ermm mungkin kah si Mazidul ini pernah pernah di kecewakan oleh golongan ini?Yelah siapa yang tak kenal dier kan..dah ler besar@boroi..kepala botak pulak..ermm rasanya takde value langsung..Hello bro..kalau di kecewakan pun..sabar lah tak payah nak expose dunia golongan ini..memalukan jew...berselindung di sebalik dunia kewartawanan katanya..ala ko ingat boleh menang ker anugerah kalau nak expose minatang ne?Sendiri fikir lah Mazidul
Ermm apa hal aku merapuh pasal Mazidul ne?Aku PLU ker?(tepuk dada tanya selera kata nenek aku)
Seperti yang di jangka...pagi ne aku kena present mengenai proposol aku,sebenarnya aku takut budget aku tak lepas tak lah banyak sangat only rm 2K,tapi rasa nak pitam jew nak present,btw..thanks God,proposol kitaorang di luluskan,so beban tue kurang sikit,lepas jew present selasai,aku bergegas balik ke Penang,dalam hujan renyai-renyai aku gigih tempuhi..thanks Linda kerana sudi menghantar ke bus stand,dalam berberapa hari di kampus ada banyak perubahan yang aku rasakan,yang pasti UniKL semakin menuju kepada kilang memproses duit,apa tidaknya untuk sem depan jew..yuran hostel naik 30%..yelah kita memang dapat loan dari Mara tapi kos hidup semakin tinggi gitew..maintanance tinggi nokss..uolls tahu dalam 5 hari aku kat kampus dalam dekat RM 200..aku spent..pening-pening...Sepanjang perjalanan ke Penang hujan tak berhenti-henti..sejuk dowh dalam bas Jadam tue..nasib baik masa nai ferry adalah satu mamat ne hensem yelah apa lagi cuci matalah hehheh..sampai kat Jetty dalam jam 14.00 terus naik bas untuk ker B.Jambul,My God...jauhnya perjalanan..asyik2 berhenti..nanti aku beli kereta..senang sikit heheh..tapi yang bestnya dapat tangkap pic bangunan-bangunan bersejarah di Penang...
Masjid Aceh kot..not so sure
My Team member...Linda and my friend Ailyasa
Owh ya seperti yang di janjikan sebelum ne,masa aku pe kampus tue sempat juga berjalan2 ker pasar malam kilang lama,lumayan banyak sangat juadah yang best..adalah aku sempat ambik berberapa pic yang pastinya mencabar kejantanan uolls untuk mencubanya heheheh,nasib baik aku datang kampus tempoh hari aku sempat jumpa dengan adik angkat aku,ermm mungkin sebelum ne aku ada mention nama dier kan..tapi bukan picnya..ermm ini dier..aku sertakan sekali picnya..dier str8 ok...
Siapa nak makan Nasi dagang?Jom serbu pasar malam Kilang lama hehe
Ayam panggang yang sedap..lumayan heheh
Tuesday, 18 November 2008
Kulim Journey part 2
Seperti kebiasaan lepas bangun aku pe mandi,call adik angkat aku ajak dier pe Lunch,nasib baik dier ada kalau tak de tambah bosan aku di buatnya kat kampus ne,shitt presentation yang di jadulkan hari esok@18 november di tunda ker hari berikutnya,so plan nak balik Penang lebih awal stuck..
Hari ne adik angkat aku balik KL,esok penerbangan jam 07.25 pagi KL-Miri...aku dok minat kat dier asalnya,cuma bila di fikirkan balik rasa tak sesuai just be my adik angkat and aku tak pernah ambil kesempatan ke ats dier..baik kan aku hehhehe
Sunday, 16 November 2008
Hari ne juga kebanyakan my junior dah balik kampung,yelah paper dah habis kan,uolls tahu semua,my junior yang suatu ketika dahulu pasif dalam pergaulan kini dah berubah...syukur mereka sudah dapat membiasakan diri di alam universiti.
Lately aku ada problem dengan kewangan..kekadang aku tak makan seharian,bukan takde duit tapi saja nak budget..bila aku ingat yuran pengajian yang belum di jelaskan sepenuhnya.aku takde mood nak makan lak..takpe dalam bulan ne dan bulan depan minta-minta settel lah hutang piutang tue..taubat tak nak buat lagi huhu...owh ya thanks to my dear yang bagi aku guna duit dier dulu..tak perlu nak mention nama dier kan hehehhe..apapun aku sangat bersyukur kerana mengenali dier dalam hidup aku..thanks my dear i love u so much....walau ada keganjilan dalam hubungan ini..tapi bukan penghalang untuk kami bersama.
Oklah guyz..sebenarnya aku penat nak fikir pasal final year project ne,apapun selamat berhujung bercuti kepada my junior dan hujung minggu...
Best regards
Thursday, 13 November 2008
Kulim Journey...
Wednesday, 12 November 2008
Aku Blurr
Tuesday, 11 November 2008
hot news...
Stop endless gay persecution in Malaysia
Nellsen Jong Nov 6, 08 3:43pm
I refer to the reports here, here and here on the continuing persecution of gays in Malaysia.
The current Malaysian government has continued their scapegoat-ing of gay people under Section 377 of the Malaysian Penal Code even after the 1998 and 2008 attempts to smear the political career of Anwar Ibrahim.
Despite the rather obvious political nature of the government's prosecution of its leading proponent of democratic reforms, the prejudice against homosexuals is still severe.
Gay people have no one to speak up for them in Malaysia. Even academic researchers are intimidated by being dependent upon government appointments and funding. Faculties at Malaysian universities are prohibited from 'engaging in political activity.'
Without any public discourse on the subject of equal rights for homosexuals, there is little opportunity for changing the attitudes of the public or the government authorities.
Therefore, since homosexuality is considered an affront to Islam, any news relating to gay and lesbian rights, especially including calls for ending discrimination against homosexuals, is suppressed.
The above kind of police raiding, aided and abetted by a scandal-hungry media, continues. For example, police raided a gay party in Penang and brought along reporters who took pictures of the gay men at this party.
The police claimed there was sex going on at this party though all of the photos that were made as soon as the police burst into the scene showed the men all fully clothed. Participants said that it was a purely a social gathering, and denied there was any sex going on.
Whether there was sexual behavior or not, what is important is that this was a private gathering of consenting adults in a closed private business place.
By defining homosexuality as a 'vice' this 'Operation Clean' demonstrates the extreme discrimination against gay people in Malaysia.
Gay Malaysians living in exile respond that ‘Operation Clean’ should be used to clean up rampant government corruption and that police would be more useful in cleaning up the streets of the city of real criminals rather than persecuting gay people.
The fact that homosexuals are so commonly arrested is itself a sentence of punishment.
A person who is arrested for a crime in Malaysia often has to wait in jail for a long time, sometimes up to eight years, before being brought to trial. Torture of convicted prisoners is justified by the sentence of being flogged with a cane that is often meted out by the courts.
This practice of caning is so severe that prisoners often faint from the pain and are left with permanent scars. In the case of prisoners who are homosexual, the extensive publicity regarding government condemnation of homosexuality has sent the message to the police and others that persecution of homosexuals is acceptable.
Stop persecution now against sexual minorities in Malaysia and restore full equality for all. Every life has equal value. LBGT right is human right.
Gays have affected normal male-to-male relationships
Straight Talker Nov 11, 08 2:40pm
I refer to the letter Stop endless gay persecution in Malaysia.
The writer should not suffer from a persecution complex. It is public knowledge that the Malaysian government is not just anti-gay but anti-everything that does not fit in with their ideas. So he should not exploit a few cases of gay prosecution as a pattern of persecution.
There are more important and worthy cases of persecution than gays who - like anyone who wants to have fun - break the moral code according to the authorities. We have seen Malays prosecuted for going to nightclubs, couples charged for holding hands in public, hotel rooms raided, etc.
Migrant workers are targeted by the police and they are the ones being persecuted, not gays.
Every weekend, Malaysians indulge in all kinds of social activities which the morally upright may consider immoral eg group sex, premarital sex, adulterous sex etc. But these people do not get caught because they do not publicise their activities. And if they get caught they just hang their heads low and cop the flak. But gays cry persecution!
My point is no one should publicise his or her sexual activities or preferences so why should gays make such a song and dance about theirs? I am not anti-gay but I find gays too much when they try to force society to accept their same-sex lifestyle which has detrimentally affected male relationships with the perception that if you are a male and friendly with another male, then you must be a gay.
The result is that normal male-to-male relationships have been affected. Even the women suffer from the same problem. Two married spinsters living together can be suspected of being lesbian.
My advice to gays is not to act in a way to draw attention to yourselves. For example, a hetereosexual man who flaunts his sexuality by parading around with women in a provocative manner will also attract unwanted attention.
It may disappoint gays but just as many people think adultery is wrong, many people think that gays are wrong too. But today gays would have us think that it is wrong to think they are wrong.
This brainwashing has worked in some liberal societies that have been swayed by tourist dollars but even they have set limits against gay marriages, and Malaysia is fortunate not to have capitulated to the gay lobby here and from overseas.
Gays must realise that every time they get into trouble it is not their being gay that is the cause but the way they behave and conduct themselves. Every group that becomes exclusive like gays will always cause others to treat them with suspicion, even hostility.
If I hold a party I invite everyone including gays, why should gays only organise events for themselves? But they also want to participate in other events attended by everyone else.
Gays can be very prejudiced against non-gays and that is why they have exclusive gay bars and gay this and that. They will exclude non-gays. But if straight people do that and exclude gays they will cry 'persecution!'
It is time gays realise that they can't always cry foul when they themselves don't realise that there are ordinary people like me who are not anti-gay but have genuine concerns about gay lifestyles as much as other forms of sexual deviations from the norm eg, kinky sex, group sex etc.
Gays need to take a long hard look at themselves and their attitudes and behaviour before they start crying ‘persecution’. It is they who are trying to undermine our traditional society not we who are trying to undermine theirs.
People don't care if you are gay or straight but if you start flaunting your gay ways in people's faces or in some militant and organised way force society to accept your values and lifestyle, then expect a nasty reaction.
Gays must realise that just as it is their right to try to impose their ways on us, it is our right to reject them and fortunately unlike the West, we are still sane. I don't care what gays get up to and neither do the authorities as long as gays don't try to force us to accept their ways.
With religious zeal the gay and lesbian communities may try to convert us but it is only fair that we too have a right to reject their ways and support the authorities for clamping down on any unsavoury activity, homosexual or otherwise.
Why don't the police raid football clubs where only men gather? I think the answer is obvious. If people want to group together and commit hanky-panky then don't complain when the authorities come around, gay or otherwise.
It is time gays grow up and behave more responsibly. There are many gays who live normal lives and do not attract attention to themselves. They could be your boss, colleague or anyone.
No one should make his or her sexual preference an issue unless they want to stir a hornet's nest especially in a country like Malaysia where Islam forbids same-sex sexual relationships
Monday, 10 November 2008
Deepavali Dinner..
With Ms Lin(Marsha Af Cousin)
Jack & Daniel huhuhu
with my new friend Mark J
Sunday, 2 November 2008
Can`t Take that away...
Saturday, 1 November 2008
kad jemputan ..amaaaaaaaaaa..engieeeeeeeeeeeeeee..